Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Updates and a SALE!

Hello Everyone!

I am so excited about the new updates (and a secret sale!) that I had to implement them right away! :D

The Site:
I revamped the very old and boring About page. I made it way less "business" and more earthy and entertaining. Please take a look-see and let me know what you think!

Scent Strength
- with the exception of the Hoodoo line, ALL lines are now at perfume oil strength! So very many of you were requesting anointing oils in perfume oil strength that I just made it permanent. No price hike - just more delicious scented oil for your money!


To make a very gently scented anointing oil with a perfume oil:

1 small empty bottle with a cap
1 teaspoon of your favorite carrier oil (I like apricot kernel or sesame)
20 drops of your perfume oil
1 pretty label

Put the carrier oil in the bottle. Add the perfume oil. Cap 'n' shake! You can add more or less perfume oil depending on your tastes or needs. Label and date it. You may want to add a couple of drops from a vitamin E capsule as a preservative - particularly if you use almond or olive oil.

: Conjure Oils now has the best shipping prices on earth!

$0 to $50 - $2.50 domestic, $4.00 international
$51 and up - free shipping, domestic and international.

- A small "Thank You." All orders over $50 not only get free shipping, but will get a free 5ml, your choice, in the order. Add it in the comments, or send a separate email. This offer is good for 24 hours - so by 1:30 Pacific tomorrow.

Thanks everyone!


Conjure Oils - Old-fashioned ritual and perfume oils to redeem all sorts of saints and sinners!

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